Monday, September 1, 2008

Liking Female Ejaculate

I was asked -

"i dont really know if this is okay to ask you, but here goes.. is it weird that i want a girl to "squirt" (ejaculate) on me and/or in my mouth?"

Firstly - Yes, you can ask me something like this. I'll answer anything of a sexual/bodily/romantic nature.

Now, to your actual question. No, it's not strange at all. Everybody likes different things sexually, and this is just something you like. As you very, very likely know, some people like rough sex, some like it soft and romantic, some like to be tied up and whipped. There are also what is considered more 'extreme' outercourse, such as urinating on eachother, cutting eachother and sploshing [foodplay].

This isn't weird at all. On the contrary, rather normal. I'm sure you hear of girls that love being 'cum' on by guys, or swallowing their semen after oral sex. It works the other way around, too. I know guys that absolutely LOVE being ejaculated on by their girlfriends. I think your reasoning for thinking it's strange is that it's less talked of. But trust me, it's perfectly common for a guy to want this - It's just that not many will admit to it =P. Who knows why.

If you want to ask me a question, please email me at Your identity will be kept totally secret, but your question will be answered and posted.

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